2023 HNY Januari CW & Radio-activity.
December CW-activity was great, wishing all radio friends MRY XMAS es HNY. 101 QSO’s in Actio40 activity, 24 DXCC mainly EU, 2 x DX. Extra catch of 7 new SKCC and 2 new NTC friends. I already applied for third award-sticker. Overall score SKCC is now over130, (since 2018), so I have to analyse my log, exclude some dupes and fill in Basic SKCC Centurion Award. Nice December activity: RSGB Transatlantic Test Centenary Club c/o Radio Society of Great Britain. I worked several stations on several bands, so have to analyse Log as well. Good for a new award. It’s…
2022 Dec. CW & Radio-activity.
Yes! Finally found my favourite Straight Key! Thank you Jan PA3EGH for the opportunity to take over your Danish Amplidan Key. I was already searching for some years for such a fine long-lever-key.. Here’s my new beauty! First QSO’s are already made at 15WPM. For better pictures and more info see website Jan PA3EGH: https://www.pa3egh.nl/morse-keys-from-europe/morse-keys-denmark/ December 15th will be the next NTC-QP, but this is also the last Veron R-34 Eyeball QSO meeting of this year, have to make a choice 😉 December 28th 10:00 until 29th 17:00 local time SRS Mid Winter Rendez-vous, see also: https://www.pi4srs.nl/wp/het-mwr-2022/ December 20th, members and friends…
2022 Nov. CW & Radio-activity.
Busy month with alll kind of other activities. It’s a pity, no time for Actio40. 60 meterband Focus, 7 DXCC in a few days: SP – OE – DL – PA – OZ – EA8 – EA – I was invited to join MOTA (Military On The Air) but forgot that evening, so have to wait for next activity. November 26th Techno-day from Surplus Radio Society, what a nice concept today. Just bring your own wierd equipment, homebrew or nice projects and just put them on the table. This is the way to start conversations and exchange informations. It was…
2022 Okt. CW & Radio-activity
Early this month I received my new (second) CW Actio40 Award with the first sticker. So now continue to “rock-on-40″ and try to be as active as possible, mainly at the upper-9 KHz part of the 40 meter band. Last month I noticed the website of the International CW Council: https://internationalcwcouncil.org/ which is interesting e.g. the CW Events Calendar, History of Morse Code, and the MST contest. I feel pretty comfortable around 20wpm in my usual ragchew qso’s in English. In Dutch its harder, because of less experiene or practice? I will try to speed up a bit, so already tried some…
2022 September CW activities.
Returned from very hot summer holidays with radio activity in France, Portugal and Spain, it felt as a good moment to reflect CW Radio-activities. As 40m is my favourite band, I decided to start working on my second Aktio-40 award from DIG. I already have a completed (12 x >100 CW QSO) Aktio-40 Award, realised in 2011. See link: https://diplom-interessen-gruppe.info/dig-diplome/actio-40/ Log requirements are: Callsign, Date, Time, Mode, name and QTH. For me of course CW-only! For every realised month a sticker is available. I started in august 2008 and it thus took me 3 years (34 months) and resulted in 1412 QSO’s, 1161…
2021 November CW activities.
Nov 7th, Tried do do some DX and worked VK5MAV on 14.027 MHz at UTC 11:23 rst 559/579 fine signals from Andy. Later focussed on 40m and worked VE2CSI UTC 20:40 on 7.024 Nov 12th, T6AA on 7.002, worked, which is my first YA on 40M. Later this evening I joined MRR (Military Radio on the Air Activity) first QSO with my ICOM IC756PRO, but that was just to easy, so I changed over to my GRC3030 and made 10 more QSO’s with this old rig. 7 x DL, 2 x PA and 1 x G. After 1,5 hrs I was…
CW October activities
1st of October started with SKCC SSS (Slow Speed Saunter) and I joined for the second time. Activity and or conditions were low, maybe that’s how it goes in the middle of the week. 2 x 20M qso with EA, both non SKCC members, but 1 x QRP. Surprise was WB2SPP John on 30M in a nice SSS QSO. Key used was my 2004 LH Standard Vibroplex at 12wpm. I have to get used to lower my speed and just try NOT to hurry, staying at the right speed in which I succeeded after a short while calling CQ and…