CW October activities

1st of October started with SKCC SSS (Slow Speed Saunter) and I joined for the second time. Activity and or conditions were low, 

maybe that’s how it goes in the middle of the week. 2 x 20M qso with EA, both non SKCC members, but 1 x QRP. Surprise was WB2SPP John on 30M in a nice SSS QSO. Key used was my 2004 LH Standard Vibroplex at 12wpm. 

I have to get used to lower my speed and just try NOT to hurry, staying at the right speed in which I succeeded after a short while calling CQ and first QSO.  So SSS was a nice event at lower speed and enjoing the Rhythm of the Code (by hand).  

SKCC’s QSO Party (QSO) calling SKQ was on Sunday, October 4th. Participated in this lazy Sunday morning and afternoon, 11 QSOs made with my LH 2004 standard Vibroplex.4 high SKCC nrs, 3 non-members were introduced to this activity. Hpe cuagn in CW! (Sorry for the “wrong” picture in the soap-box)

Joined RSGB Autumn Series 80M contest on October 5th. Fine conditions and big signals, good skip to G, GW, GW, EI, GI resulting in 82 QSO’s in 1,5 hrs.

SKCC WES on October 10th started to join, after 1 QSO our 2 grandchildren came to stay for the weekend, so that was it…

October 14th, Semi-automatic Bug evening (Schlackertasten abend) from AGCW. I was the February winner of this activity, so I had to join. Made 28 QSO,s with my 1954 RH Lightning Bug Vibroplex at 20 Wpm (according RBN) The highest nr I heard as 25, so let’s wait for final results. During this 1,5 hrs event I’ve met lots of CW lovers and some new-comers as well. I have to work out my log, make a nice inspiring soapbox with a nice picture and upload all.

October 17th Stew Perry Topband Warmup. The Top Band season is beginning and  I hope to meet the CW lovers on the Gentlemans’ band, which resulted in 52 QSO,s. Around 00:00 The first USA stations came in, not workable yet, I was tired, zzzzzz.

Last weekend of October, Garden chorus to do on Saturday, but some nice 30M QSO’s on the Sunday evening: twice SKCC USA and 2 x Ragchew France and UK. Used The RH lighting Bug for 20 WPM and my 2004 Standard LH Vibroplex for 12WPM.

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