Tag: SKCC CW Morse QRS

  • CW October activities

    1st of October started with SKCC SSS (Slow Speed Saunter) and I joined for the second time. Activity and or conditions were low,  maybe that’s how it goes in the middle of the week. 2 x 20M qso with EA, both non SKCC members, but 1 x QRP. Surprise was WB2SPP John on 30M in…

  • SKCC: June 2020

    June 6th: I noticed that SKSE  (Straight Key Sprint Europe) was on June 4th but we were invited for a BBQ and I will join next time. Just checked propagation possibilities with VK, and according website https://soundbytes.asia/proppy/radcom this would be from UTC 20:00 hrs on, if one would be QRV, thats +9hrs local time is 5:00 in the morning…