December CW-activity was great, wishing all radio friends MRY XMAS es HNY.
101 QSO’s in Actio40 activity, 24 DXCC mainly EU, 2 x DX. Extra catch of 7 new SKCC and 2 new NTC friends. I already applied for third award-sticker.
Overall score SKCC is now over130, (since 2018), so I have to analyse my log, exclude some dupes and fill in Basic SKCC Centurion Award.
Nice December activity:
RSGB Transatlantic Test Centenary Club c/o Radio Society of Great Britain. I worked several stations on several bands, so have to analyse Log as well. Good for a new award.

It’s not that often that you find ZA in your log but second day of 2023 fine CW Ragchew with Albany on 40 meterband, ZA1ME, Thanks Miri from Tirana for fine CW QSO.
TN8K DX-Epedition now QRT, in Log on 10,12, 15,17, 30, 40 and 80m. Missed 20m and 160 was unable to hear/work them.

While cleaning up the mess behind my garage, I found back my homebrew 3 el 50MHz beam, between lots of used Aluminium. I already checked mechanical and electrical contacts, will do some cleaning and take it to the coming Fielddays in June.