Category: Blog

  • QRP Activity

    Saturday October 8, 2011: This week I,ve re-installed my FT817, as this is a true QRP-rig that I really love, since  I bought it in 2003.  I,ve used it last year in the O-QRP contest, and before that on a few “holiday-activities”. A few 5W qso’s proved that one can work the world with QRP.…

  • Aktio40

    Friday 17th of June 2011 made a qso wd Ray G4NBQ on 40 meters 20:11 UTC, working for my Aktio40 Award. This was QSO #100 for this month. This means I can apply for a full award as this is the 12 month, good for sticker number 12. The Aktio40 is a DIG-Award, see…

  • Murphy B40 sold!

    Sunday, 1st of May, I have just sold my Murphy B40 to Rommert PE1CDF. Rommert already owns a B41 an was very pleased to take over my working B40. Testing this old Navy-receiver was done by listening to the surplus AM-net on 3.705 MHz. Now my old Drake TR4 is the only remaining tube-rig.… Read…

  • From Twins to Triplet

    From Single, Twins to Triplets? Three VHF/UHF all mode rigs on the shack-shelf. IC251E (image) I have owned my IC-251E for more than 28 years now as I bought it in 1983. It’s old tech and low-powered but I still use it almost every day. Most of the time in FM tuned on 144.675 MHz…

  • Drake TR4 story

    Drake TR4 Restauration My Drake TR4 snr 32.514 (1972) came alive today (September 25, 2010) in a CW qso with Rune, SM2EKA on 14.036 MHz I used my left-handed Vibroplex key, a wonderful combination. Since today (November 7th 2010) working in phone in combination with Turner +3B microphone. (Thanks to Martin PE1PRM) See story below.…

  • CW Keys and paddles

    Some of my  keys: Russian or Slowak Key, brand new in paper, bought (September 25, 2010) on the Meppel Radio market for 5€. I’ve used it once in a Straight key party, and it was doing fine. The key below is a Japanese semi automatic Key made by Dentsu-Seiki model no.BK100. I got this Dentsu…

  • Murphy B40

    Today my Murphy B40 came alive. I’ve got this good old radio as a good bargain on Saturday 12th of june 2010, on the radio flee-market of our own radio club NOV (Noord-Oost Veluwe) from clubmember and radiofriend Daan PD0RAA, who needed some more room in his shack. This old lady was stowed away in…