Category: Blog

  • SKCC: June 2020

    June 6th: I noticed that SKSE  (Straight Key Sprint Europe) was on June 4th but we were invited for a BBQ and I will join next time. Just checked propagation possibilities with VK, and according website this would be from UTC 20:00 hrs on, if one would be QRV, thats +9hrs local time is 5:00 in the morning…

  • SKCC: May 2020

    Member 18777 since 26th of May 2018 but when going through my logbook I found 8 qso,s only. This month I re-discovered SKCC, made some 20 QSO’s with my two Vibroplex Keys and found the new spirit in making SKCC and rag chew QSO’s. When Looking on the SKCC frequencies I got more and more used…

  • PA6VC – Veluwe Contest Team

    08-02-2020 PACC Saturday and Sunday, some impressions Left to right Henk PE1BSI, Gerrit PA3AM, Johan, Erik PA1FOL. Not on Picture: John PE1RZU (ICT, Network and N1MM support) and Frits PE1LQQ (thanks for support in antenna materials from 12:00 UTC, GO! First starting on 15, 2 qso’s CW only. 20M Phone and 40m CW. Around…

  • 60 Meter band. Recently discovered 60m again, but what is the last status? I Found this on Hamnieuws, dated 28/03/2017 : 60-meter band to 15 kHz and 15 Watt EIRP From April 1 a.s., the allocation of the 60-meter band will be brought into line with what was decided during WRC-15. The Netherlands goes from…

  • Straight Key Century Club

    Today, May 26th 2018, Received Electron, the monthly Radio magazine of VERON, and I read an interesting article from Joop, PA3JD about SKCC. After reading the article twice, I just had to visit the SKCC website, and after strolling around, I applied for membership. In the request form you can leave your motivation in the…

  • PACC 2018

    Joined this year “Top Band Only” in recreational CW mode, hoping to meet a lot of CW friends. First QSO in the log was PI4CC at 12:13, he was quite surprised with my 599 GD on such a quiet band. PA18T, almost a local station was nr 2. In the meantime I was fixing my recent…

  • Collins TCS-12

    I have acquired a TCS transmitter 23rd November 2017. It was an ebay bargain, just a try for a few dollars and bingo! (additionally 110$ shipping costs ;-). It travelled in some 10 days from a reseller in Dyer, Indiana, USA towards my shack. So this is probably the start of my TCS station, as…