Category: Blog

  • AGCW-40-3 activity on 40-meter band.

    AGCW-40-3 Surfing around on the internet, found this activity on the website of AGCW. (I am member 3375). Year-round on the air activity 3 years “new” 40m Band Plan All CW contacts from 29th March 2012 onwards between 7035 and 7040kHz of at least 5 minutes duration count for points. Stations may be worked more…

  • Homebrew with tubes

    During our 2009 Fielddays, I’ve built a hartley ECO CW transmitter, using an EL84 tube. I then got inspired by the Glowbug from SM5GNN, The re-introduction of the “Mighty Midget” and the article “one hour transmitters from G3VA TT september 1988. I decided to build a new “One Tube, Two stage, Three band CW transmitter.…

  • Semi Automatic Key evening

    DATE: Annually on the 3rd Wednesday in February TIME: 1900-2030 UTC PARTICIPANTS: All licensed amateurs using a semi automatic key (bug). No hand keys or elbugs. FREQUENCIES: 3,510 – 3,560 kHz CALL: CQ BUG EXCHANGE.: RST + QSO-No./the year the OP used a bug successfully for the first time. Example: 579001/61 SCORING: Every complete QSO…

  • Semi Automatic Bug Evening

    20 feb 2013: Enjoyed tonight’s contest called Semi automatic Bug Evening or “Schlackertasten Abend” As I am AGCW member, CW lover and Vibroplex owner, I just had to join again. Invitation is normally as follows: (by mail :-)) CQ DE DK9KR = DR OM = 2013.02.20 1900 TO 2029 UTC 3510 TO 3560 KHZ =…

  • PACC 2012

    October 10th, 2012, PACC 2012 QSL-card is ready  This years’ PACC contest resulted in 840 QSO’s and 5th position in single-op, all, low, CW. All worked stations will receive the special QSL card soon. Picture is showing the Hanzeboog, near Hattem, a railwaybridge which arches across ijseldelta, connecting the provinces Gelderland and Overijssel. It rests…

  • 40M Band: My favourite CW band

    40M is my favourite band the last few years as it is like a HF band that works at night time but allows you to work any distance, if properly equipped. The widely differing propagation conditions on 7MHz during a 24hrs period, and the differences between summer and winter conditions, make this a very useful…

  • 160M Band: Gentlemens’ or Top band

    Just above the mediumwave broadcast band, 160 meters is the lowest radio frequency band allocation available to radio amateurs operators in most countries. Seasoned operators often refer to 160 meters as Top Band, it is also sometimes referred to as the “Gentleman’s Band” in comparison to the often-freewheeling 20 and 80 meter band allocations. The…