PA6VC – Veluwe Contest Team

08-02-2020 PACC Saturday and Sunday, some impressions


Left to right Henk PE1BSI, Gerrit PA3AM, Johan, Erik PA1FOL.

Not on Picture: John PE1RZU (ICT, Network and N1MM support) and Frits PE1LQQ (thanks for support in antenna materials from

12:00 UTC, GO!


First starting on 15, 2 qso’s CW only. 20M Phone and 40m CW. Around 18:00 nice openings towards USA west coast on 20M in CW. Long runs on 40M CW and Phone, later also on 80M. 160M very strong QRN S7-S9, probably coming from storm Ciara? 

Concentration around midnight:


01:30 rates are going down, time to take a short horizontal rest. 05:30 Rise and shine! Slow starts on 160, 80, 40M, and than again long runs on 40 and 20.

Sunday 12:00 UTC PACC contest is over!



Band   Mode  QSOs    Pts  Cty  Pt/Q
  1,8    CW      108      108    21   1,0
  1,8    LSB       33        33      5   1,0
  3,5    CW      241      241    35   1,0
  3,5   LSB        54        54    24   1,0
    7    CW       292      292    42   1,0
    7    LSB      113       113    30   1,0
   14   CW       279      279    64   1,0
   14   USB       52        52    14    1,0
   21   CW          2          2      1    1,0
Total  Both    1174    1174   236   1,0
Score: 277.064
1 Mult = 5,0 Q’s

Perfect support from Erik PA1FOL and Johan, catering and John PE1RZU ICT and network.

BUT Ciara is coming, so we started immediately to lower the antennas and stowed all wires, cables and antena’s in a safe place.

17:00 back home, welcomed by XYL’s, shortly watching the storm and taking a beer (at bedside)!

All participants: TU es HPE CUAGN

07-02-2020 PACC update

Building up the station on friday, making several qso,s on 20-160M. We dont expect anything from 10 and 15. Nice sunny day, almost ready with all preparations. Some small problems to solve like EMC problems with Keyboard and USB-ports.  

18-01-2020 Update

Finalise set up, tuning all antenna’s, testing during HA-DX contest.

94 QSO’s on contest and first appearance as PA6VC

Ready to rock in coming PACC.

28-12-2019 Update:

Visit Scouting group and discovering antenna possibilities. Change of antennaplan towards:

  • FB13 Rotary Dipole @19m – 2 x 33M Doublet @​ 17m – GPA30 with added 40m Dipole @10m – 2 x 23m Doublet @ 15 meters.
  • Notch Filters ready: see picture below.

27-12-2019 Update:

  • Callsign is now registrated and Valid from 2020 January 17th on, just before HA-DX when we will do our first try-out.

PA6VC is Multi Operator,Two Transmitter station in the center part of The Netherlands. The area Around Heerde, approx. 100KM East of Amsterdam is Called The Veluwe and is a beautiful area in the province Gelderland.

Despite having a population density of 400 citizens per square kilometer, there’s plenty of Wildlife in The Netherlands, most particulary in the province of Gelderland. The forest-rich ridge of hills called The Veluwe features many different landscapes including woodland, heather, some small lakes and Europe’s largest sand-drifts. On the top of that, it’s packed with wildlife, such as wild boares, foxes, badgers and stags.


We have started in december 2018, found a contest shack in the middle of nowhere, a former scouting building with an open area surrounded by trees.

Antenna Plan, 3-el Tribander 10-20m, Tribander vertical 10-20m, Separate dipoles 40-160m.

Radio 1: FT2000 / 400W amplifier Operator Henk PE1BSI

Radio 2: IC756PRO / 400W amplifier in CW Operator Gerrit PA3AM

We are making use of W3NQN band filters for every band and also Notch filters all Perfect home brew by Henk PE1BSI.


update will follow soon!

Visit our QRZ.COM or this website for the most recent info

We are preparing QSL cards and these will be send to all made QSO’s made during Dutch PACC contest.

We would like to receive your QSL, send it direct or via buro. No e-QSL, we like the real lovely old-fashioned papercards!

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