Membership SRS and WS62 Restauration

Recently joined the
Dutch Surplus Radio Society or SRS.

Her goal is to keep,
share, and grow the historical and substantive
knowledge of radio communications installations. This all in the broadest sense
and within the rules of the law.

The SRS is trying to achieve this goal,

  1. Doing research, reviews
    and documentation of equipment, techniques and components;

  2. Providing advice on and
    stimulation of restoration, conservation and implementation of installations
    and components and the actual use of it;

  3. Making promotion, for
    members and other enthousiasts.

PI4SRS is the club callsign and regularly active in Telegraphy  / CW (Operators are PA0CWF / PA0LCE / PA3ACC / PA3ERO / PA0HTT).

Every week on 3575KHz as
well as on other frequencies. No real fixed times, but if possible always on
Wednesday evening 20:30 Local Time on 3.575 +- KHz. Main purpose is promoting SRS and CW, meeting clubmembers
in CW and with surplus equipment. Speed and skill can vary and will Always be at the most comfortable level of each and every operator.
One reason for me to join the SRS was the purchase of a WS62 set. I discovered the advantages of this set in the Compendium 1 Wireless for the Warrior. AM and CW possibility from 1.6 to 10 MHz (4 bands: 1.6 – 3.5 – 7 – 10 MHz) and from now on even 60 meters. After some surfing at the SRS website  I could find some other members active with a WS62. I picked up my “62” on November 3rd 2015 in the city centre of Rotterdam, test next day, receiver is working. I found only one smalI problem; the gain potentiometer is broken, resulting in maximum volume only. I was able to follow the SRS QSO’s on 3.575. November 9th, Transmitter seems to work as well, output abt. 1 Watt, but was not able to make a qso. After somes test and measurements it seemed that TX is 452 KHz down on receiving frequency!

I,m still working on it…..Here’s a picture of my “62”

It’s quite original except for Mic, Key and Phone connections as you can see below.


My WS62 MK. 2 is dated month 11 / 1957, serial number 05583 and I have to find out what ZA 30714 means….To be continued soon, as I want to join the Midwinter Rendez-vous on 28& 29 december with this oldie.



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