2022 Nov. CW & Radio-activity.
Busy month with alll kind of other activities. It’s a pity, no time for Actio40. 60 meterband Focus, 7 DXCC in a few days: SP – OE – DL – PA – OZ – EA8 – EA – I was invited to join MOTA (Military On The Air) but forgot that evening, so have to…
2022 Okt. CW & Radio-activity
Early this month I received my new (second) CW Actio40 Award with the first sticker. So now continue to “rock-on-40″ and try to be as active as possible, mainly at the upper-9 KHz part of the 40 meter band. Last month I noticed the website of the International CW Council: https://internationalcwcouncil.org/ which is interesting e.g. the CW…
2022 September CW activities.
Returned from very hot summer holidays with radio activity in France, Portugal and Spain, it felt as a good moment to reflect CW Radio-activities. As 40m is my favourite band, I decided to start working on my second Aktio-40 award from DIG. I already have a completed (12 x >100 CW QSO) Aktio-40 Award, realised…
2021 November CW activities.
Nov 7th, Tried do do some DX and worked VK5MAV on 14.027 MHz at UTC 11:23 rst 559/579 fine signals from Andy. Later focussed on 40m and worked VE2CSI UTC 20:40 on 7.024 Nov 12th, T6AA on 7.002, worked, which is my first YA on 40M. Later this evening I joined MRR (Military Radio on the…
CW October activities
1st of October started with SKCC SSS (Slow Speed Saunter) and I joined for the second time. Activity and or conditions were low, maybe that’s how it goes in the middle of the week. 2 x 20M qso with EA, both non SKCC members, but 1 x QRP. Surprise was WB2SPP John on 30M in…
Finally got my Icom IC551 Working on 230V The IC551 is a (in my humble opinion) good, fair priced, Monoband 6 meter transceiver. I,ve bought mine several years ago, on Ebay and it had to come from USA. It was 115V, had no FM unit an no VOX, but it worked. I,ve found a NOS…
SKCC: June 2020
June 6th: I noticed that SKSE (Straight Key Sprint Europe) was on June 4th but we were invited for a BBQ and I will join next time. Just checked propagation possibilities with VK, and according website https://soundbytes.asia/proppy/radcom this would be from UTC 20:00 hrs on, if one would be QRV, thats +9hrs local time is 5:00 in the morning…