August 2023 CW Radio activities. Adrenalizing Morsecode.

QSL-Admin: Last update on received QSL cards and Honour Roll results were from Januari 2020, so lots of work to do. My Logbook is Excel based from 2008 until today. 1978 – 2007 is a paper Logbook.

Status HR January 1st 2020 was 257 CW 9B DXCC.

Lots of New Band and 6 new DXCC (VP8, FR, Z6, XZ, XT, JX) until sofar it brings me to 263 DXCC in CW sofar.


EU HF contest: Last time I joined was 2009! No good condx I noticed, 10 was dead, but 15 – 40 were ok for 101 QSO,s and just when I wanted to try 80m, a thunderstorm came accross my QTH. I had to disconnect and lower my antenna’s. Exchange was snr and year of first licence. Good to see there are lots of new entrants in HAM-radio. (doing Morse-code!)

Surplus Radio Society (SRS): A former boardmember, sent a strange mail, in a very un-usual way. Hmm, that’s not the way it should go, in my humble opinion. OK, we have some “after-Corona_struggles” in this strange “social-media-oriented-society” but we have to solve this struggles with vision, organisation and avove all: Passion for Surplus Radio. It could be that we have to review our Vision and Future plans, so I was happy to read the boards’ future plans in the March Surplus Radio Bulletin (P3). Upgrading towards more modern technology feels strange, but I was (again) happy to read some nice articles about Homebrew AM tube TX, AfterWW2 equipment from Drake and Collins, besides lots of inspiring Surplus oriented articles in the last two bulletins # 109 & 110. Last thing I would like to mention is activity, and at this point I can improve myself, and maybe some other members as well. I will start with more activity on 3.568MHz CW. The GRC 3030 is my best performer here, or perhaps the “modern but “all-tube-Drake TR4”?

Saturday 12th, TR4 on air, after trying some crackling switches it came alive, so QRV at 3.568 tuned it at this frequency with 100 Watts output, using the Vibroplex Standard LH from 2004.

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