WS-19: combines AM & CW! See my recently aquired MK-II below, ready for smoke-test on the workbench, more news & details soon. I will try to show this beauty in working condition on the coming Fielddays in June.
PS, this is an old picture from PA0CX, Digital modes should be added in one or the other way, but I can live with this picture as well as with the old WS-19.

Aktio 40: start on 4th of March, due to nice family weekend. Received 4th Sticker for Award.
3B7M: Expedition finished, 6 bands CW, missing 20 meterband. 3,5 and 1,8 were almost impossible for the team there.
HD8M: Galapagos Islands, seemes to be in CW when I am not in my shack but finally worked him on one of the last days.
PACC: Raw scores are available now, 4th place in SO LP 218.286 points. Just outside top 3, but not too bad for a real CW-operator. All callsings and reports were keyed with my Begali Travel Key. Keyboard and computer only used for Logging. All new, first-worked call-signs (319) will receive my (ready-to-send) QSL-cards.
Stewperry Roundup 160 CW: Exchange in this contest is Locator only, which makes it really “staccato” and together with a low number of participants I decided to stop after 53 QSO’s. Worked 19 new and unique callsigns.
RSGB 80m CC: 1,5 hrs long meeting all UK radiofriends, from vy fast KB- to QRS and Straight-key-contesters. Last months I worked a lot of new cals, mostly very short, 3-digit only, but also very well known 6-Digit-callsigns. Due to very good conditions and sigs I was able to reach a 101-qso-score. List of entries shows 217 Logs and several active PA’s. I was able to work 23 new callsigns.
NTC-QP: March 16, prepared N1MM, which is the preferred Logging program. I am still experimenting a lot with N1MM, now got the Call History File setup working. This will speed up the qso rate of this Party, but again some operating practise and CW-romance will be taken over by Electronics. So I will operate with my 1954 Vibroplex Lightning BUG to give some old fashioned counterweight. Results: 35 QSO’s and a 20 minute ragchew afterparty with two PA stations. Results showed “PA3AM High score nr. 1″ in Mechanical section.
Russian DX: Doing garden chorus and participating this contest because it was raining from time to time, made some nice runs on 10, 15 & 20m and in the evening at 40m. Nice DX Stations as YB, VR, JT etc. 101 QSO.
N1MM: Another topic is the export of CSV (Comma Separated Ascii) files, why is there so minimal info exported? DXCC entities, Countrynames, exchanced numbers are not exported. As my Final log is Excel based I would have ALL info exported. (as WriteLog)
Schlackertastenabend (semi Automatic Bug Evening) February Results are available: see AGCW at https://www.agcw.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Ergebnis-Bug-Feb23-Kopie2.pdf

WS-19: Preparing Smoke test, checking Power Supply and connector layout (Home Brew). I do not like the 230V cable, this one is really old and worn-out. I found a new, vintage-looking-cable, 3 wires with L,N, Gnd and as the used mains connector is a 3 pole, this will be the first modification,
CY0S, Sable Island: DXpedition March 20 – 29, 2023, heard first sigs 21st of March on 21.005, 23rd of Mach wkd on 21.023. No new DXCC but new band.
9X5RU, Rwanda: wkd 21.023.
Aktio40: 103 CW QSO’s, ready to send Log.