Early this month I received my new (second) CW Actio40 Award with the first sticker.

So now continue to “rock-on-40″ and try to be as active as possible, mainly at the upper-9 KHz part of the 40 meter band. Last month I noticed the website of the International CW Council: https://internationalcwcouncil.org/ which is interesting e.g. the
CW Events Calendar, History of Morse Code, and the MST contest.

I feel pretty comfortable around 20wpm in my usual ragchew qso’s in English. In Dutch its harder, because of less experiene or practice? I will try to speed up a bit, so already tried some longer QSO’s with PA stations.
AGCW: for the BUG-fans the AGCW would like to invite you to the next bug evening taking
place on Wednesday, October 19th 2022, from 19.00 to 20.30 UTC Please find the contest rules on our home page https://www.agcw.de/contest/sta/ We would be glad if you can take part and your log would be very much
welcomed. Good luck and have fun ! 73 Volker, DJ9BM
My Yaesu Rotor Controller G-600RC wasn’t functioning good anymore. Last year I already did the broken belt repair, which I now found back on http://www.oz1jte.dk/Yaesu_Rotor_Fix_Page.html
My problem now was a very low turning speed and
The rotator going right with the needle tracking the rotator movement however it does not move at first and then only a little when going left and only catches up when I release the left button. It was not the belt this time. I found a description of the fault and solution as well on Youtube when searching on G600RC with a strange problem.
There is a problem mostly with the 500 Ohm-potentiometer inside the rotator,
which is known to give bad contact after many years of operation.
You can order a new pot at “UKW-Berichte”, maybe also WIMO in Germany. I ordered at UKW berichte, just wait a few days.

For NTC-QSO Party the use of N1MM is recommended. I used N1MM once in 2021 PACC with the PA6VC-team. When in contest it was OK but, as I was used to WriteLog, I never used N1MM until sofar, there was just no need. I succeeded in updating the N1MM program and installing the UDC file NTC_QP. Now getting used to it before the next QP.
On September 17th, while visiting the HF-day in Eefde, I attended the 60m band presentation of Henk, PA2S. His presentation (almost scientific appoach) had the title “between dusk and dawn” as this band is a real Night-band, just inbetween 40 and 80 meters. recently I took a closer watch on 60m, Cluster RBN on EU-spots only.
FB CW QSO with Martin G4ZXN, SKCC member, with his 40M Paraset. 5Watts, 569 signal. I told him I already have ALL parts to build a Paraset, but never started building. He told me to hurry and asked me to visit his QRZ.COM page. I was off-band and amazed for more than half an hour! Picture below shows actual status of my Paraset project.

Oktober 19th: Schlackertastenabend (Semi Automatig Bug Evening) 1,5 hours old fashioned CW with my 1954 Vibroplex Lightning Bug. 27 QSO’s.
Oktober 20th: NTC-QP: Joined using N1MM, 10 QSO’s 40m.
Actio40 Oktober completed: 105 QSO,s – 96 in Top-9 segment – 1 x NTC _ 10 x SKCC – 27 DXCC.
Checking QSL information I came upon PA3GSV QRZ.com page with FB Home Brew projects, like “A mate for the Mighty Midget”
Saturday Oktober 29th, visited Dag voor de Radioamateur in Zwolle or the VERON HAM RADIO CONVENTION 2022. See https://dvdra.veron.nl/english/visitors/
To be continued, 73′ Gerrit