June 6th: I noticed that SKSE (Straight Key Sprint Europe) was on June 4th but we were invited for a BBQ and I will join next time.
Just checked propagation possibilities with VK, and according website https://soundbytes.asia/proppy/radcom this would be from UTC 20:00 hrs on, if one would be QRV, thats +9hrs local time is 5:00 in the morning in Brisbane QL. VK4TJ John stated: 20:00 – 21:00 for short path (which has been very good lately) and also 06:00 long path, that’s 8:00 local here, we will have a try tomorrow.
Worked today 30m: EA, Z3, OK, SP today with the LH Vibroplex original at 16wpm.

First of June, joined SSS (Slow Speed Saunter) for the first time in my life.
Activity in EU was at low level, or I was at the wrong frequency / time?
I have managed to get 5 SKCC members in the log. One quite high number: 22069
from Varese IK2CFD. 2 Non members from Poland and Italy. All responded on my CQ. I have spend several hours behind the set, heard no CQ at all. Nevertheless big fun with my LH original Vibroplexfrom 2004 at the lowest possible speed which is around 12WPM with the vari-speed rod on the end onto the pendulum). I have to Relax and just try NOT to hurry, staying at the right speed!
Condition were not to good, USA was hard work (2 x in the Log) but short skip made qso with G0HXR Geoff possible.
Hpe cuagn next month in SSS – 73′’ Gerrit