February is a short month, filled with lots of nice contests and activities, so I decided not to go for Actio40. I filled in the 4th request for the Award, so still 8 months to go. 107 QSO’s, 15 DXCC maily EU, Extra catch of 2 new SKCC and 2 new NTC friends.
Although I use my PC for Logging (WiteLog), I make myself a new Logbook every new year on Paper. I Export all QSO’s from WriteLog to Excel and from there I can make all analysys with excel, as that is a tool I know for many years. Every new Logbook has a “theme” as you can see below.

3Y0J is expected to be difficult and would take some time, as I expected. on the other hand, I did not expect that the expedition would work out this way. I was not able to work them because of bad HAM behavior and lack of operation practice of the Bouvet team. It was one of my most wanted DXCC, but this was no fun at all.
Thats all I want to say about it.
Feb 11& 12: PACC-contest, the biggest PA promotion of the year. I joined in recreational mode, (Barefoot-100W) LP SO CW but with a 1000+ QSO target. 3 el FB33 Fritzel Yagi and my 160 m Sky wire (Horizontal Wire Loop) with open feedline for 40-160 M. After 17:00 hrs on air I ended up at 1101 QSO’s, 201 Multipliers although it was only 10:10 UTC, but I went upstairs (my shack is “underground”) to join XYL and visit the grandchildren, went out for a family-stroll along the beautiful North-Groningen-coast (Noorderpolderzeilvest) to clear my head. Next days for checking the Log and upload it to the Robot, let’s wait and see. One of my objectives in contesting is working new callsigns, thus after analysing my Log: 319 new and unique callsigns.
Schlackertastenabend (semi automatic BUG evening) was on Wednesday Feb 15th. Nice rythmic Bug QSO’s, lots of CW friends, at least 3 NTC members (NTC should promote this very special activity, I already adressed this) My Vibroplex Lightning Bug from 1954 and me were able to realise 31 qso’s, which is another point in the Veron Afdelingscompetitie. Log send next day.

NTC QSO-Party, hmm, Veron meeting on the same evening feb 16th. First time with bonus points for PA stations. March QP will fit better in my agenda.
ARRL International DX Contest will be on Feb 18-19 and I my plan was to collect all Canadian provinces: VE1 – VE7 e.g. see picture below. USA WAS-status: worked all states but waiting on QSL from ID, MS, ND, OK, SD. (although I have to work through several kilo’s QSL cards in order to complete QSL admin 😉) Missed Manitova MB VE4, New Foundland NF VO1, Northwest Territories NU, VE8, Nunvut VY0 and Yokon Territories VY1 YT. So worked 9 out of 14. Rest of contest did CQ, nice runs on 10 meters upto 101 QSO’s, good for 4 points for local competition. July 1st will be RAC Canada day for the last five provinces.

Surplus Radio Society SRS held her yearly membership meeting and afterwards a small Surplus Radio market. I was able to score a (defect) Carbon Mikrophone T17, ready to be modified towards Electred technology.
UKEI CC 26 QSO’s, not an exiting contest with locator exchange only.
RSGB 80m CC 1,5 hrs exiting CW, 95 qso,s, lots of UK radio friends.
UBA CW, did the Sunday morning only, 101 qso,s.
Surplus Radio: until now I was not very lucky withe WS-19 sets. My MK-III has a problem with BFO and the PS is dead. My MK-II had several faults, despite the good visible state. Now I was able to take over the Canadian WS-19 MK-II of Thom, PE1RXC (SK). Thom was also SRS-member and remembered in the last SRS-meeting. The set came with 230V PS, Variometer, Headset & cables. Smoketest planned in March!
DX-pedition 3B7M: good operating practise and signals, 5 bands CW in Log.
KiwiSDR: Feb 28th, Radio-Club meeting IJsselmond, an inspriring presentation by Jan PA3GJX of
KiwiSDR which is a SDR (software defined radio) receiver for the entire frequency range from 10 kHz up to 30 MHz. The HF unit is installed on a Beagle Bone single board computer (something like the Raspbery Pi). Some examples were given during a live demonstration of the station of Gerrit, PA0GHK 0-30 MHZ SDR, KAMPEREILAND, NETHERLANDS, Dipool 2 x 40mtr North East – South west. All kinds of modes and possibilities were discussed and demonstrated. This was new to me and will take some time to practise, but FUN!