Busy month with alll kind of other activities. It’s a pity, no time for Actio40.
60 meterband Focus, 7 DXCC in a few days: SP – OE – DL – PA – OZ – EA8 – EA –
I was invited to join MOTA (Military On The Air) but forgot that evening, so have to wait for next activity.
November 26th Techno-day from Surplus Radio Society, what a nice concept today. Just bring your own wierd equipment, homebrew or nice projects and just put them on the table. This is the way to start conversations and exchange informations. It was a joint activity with Benelux QRP club. I saw a beatiful 1-tube CW-TRX with a ECC81 from Ted PA5TP who is BQC-member now for 2 years.

Further; nice discussions and demonstrations, Parasets, SW Gander Radio 3485 kHz USB, Special CW keys, Pixie projects, WS-19 specials, Home brew Transformer production machine, Magnetic Loop antennas, all combined with a Surplus Market place. It felt so good to meet all good Radio Friends again.
What a nice day!
Results of the Schlackertasten-Abend (Semi-Automatic-Bug-Evening) are available at AGCW site: https://www.agcw.de/ergebnisarchiv/ and found my personal result in this nice award!

Wir hatten wieder viel Spaß, die Bedingungen waren durchschnittlich, aber mit 27 QSO
nicht viel schlechter, als letztes Mal. Viele deutsche OM aber auch HB9, G, LA, PA,
OE, OK. 2 x Bug aus 2022 im Log, so neue Teilnehmer! Insgesamt für mich 6 völlig neue
Rufzeichen im Log. Immer noch mein Lieblingscontest.
Received a new CW-award from Tante Ju:

November 29th: Hobby Project evening at VRAZ/Veron Zwolle, building a Radio Wave Scanner together with some 40 other Hams!

When I arrived at home I checked our house and surroundings, what a fine place for a HAM!