2022 September CW activities.

Returned from very hot summer holidays with radio activity in France, Portugal and Spain, it felt as a good moment to reflect CW Radio-activities. As 40m is my favourite band, I decided to start working on my second Aktio-40 award from DIG. I already have a completed (12 x >100 CW QSO) Aktio-40 Award, realised in 2011.

See link: https://diplom-interessen-gruppe.info/dig-diplome/actio-40/ 

Log requirements are: Callsign, Date, Time, Mode, name and QTH. For me of course CW-only! For every realised month a sticker is available. I started in august 2008 and it thus took me 3 years (34 months) and resulted in 1412 QSO’s, 1161 unduped, 57 DXCC all on 40 meters. A great experience in CW!

So, now ready for Award nr. 2!

Started September 5th and working towards 100 QSO’s as a minimum. You can find me around 7.024 or from now on also at the top-9 CW part (7.031 – 7.040) of the 40m band.

The Top-9 CW part is because of Top 9 activity ICWC. I hope CW lovers will join as we need more activity in the top 9kHz of our
bands or we might lose this part to the digital modes. It was already a AGCW topic for some time but as I noticed recently  from NTC mailing list It was heard in the AGCW QTC of a new activity of the
International CW Council (ICWC):> https://internationalcwcouncil.org/top9-activity/> Frequencies: Top 9 kHz of the CW segments.

Everbody can Join and Submissions and results can be found by clicking on Top9:> https://internationalcwcouncil.org/> You only need to count the QSO made in the upper 9kHz. (every 5 min QSO is 1 point)

NTC meeting frequency on 40m is already in the upper CW segment 7.038 kHz. Well done!

Results end of September: 

  1. 109 QSO’s for Actio40 award, thus fairly compensating 6 dupes (but full & friendly qso’s). 
  2. 35 top-9 CW qso’s, reported in the link mentioned above. Until sofar 19 entries for CW only, so we probably have to promote this. (2 x PA-entries, something extra to do for NTC?)
  3. Extra catch of 4 SKCC QSO’s on 40 meters, so sometimes I had to switch from Keyer to Bug. 
  4. On the site of DIG I ordered a Paper CW Actio40 award (10€) and got in contact with the award manager DL8AB Marius, for first log upload.
  5. Total of 24 DXCC.

To be continued in Oktober, CU on 40m. 

73″ Gerrit PA3AM


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