60 Meter band.
Recently discovered 60m again, but what is the last status? I Found this on Hamnieuws, dated 28/03/2017 : 60-meter band to 15 kHz and 15 Watt EIRP
From April 1 a.s., the allocation of the 60-meter band will be brought into line with what was decided during WRC-15. The Netherlands goes from 100 kHz and 100 Watt PEP back to the internationally agreed 15 kHz and 15 Watt EIRP. That can be read today in the Dutch Government Staatscourant.

So no more room for SRS AM testing and a very narrow CW window.
Made some QSO’s already around 5352 to 5353. My ICOM 757PRO does max abt 50 watts, so I reduced to 15 Watts. Quiet band, no noise, made first QSO with German YOTA station.