I have acquired a TCS transmitter 23rd November 2017. It was
an ebay bargain, just a try for a few dollars and bingo! (additionally 110$
shipping costs ;-). It travelled in some 10 days from a reseller in Dyer,
Indiana, USA towards my shack.
So this is probably the start of my TCS station, as I want to put it
into the air again. This will take some weeks I suppose and in the the mean time I will search for some more materials, connectors, add-ons
and of course a receiver. If you have any? Please let me know. Picture below shows my 49 POUNDS COL-52245 RADIO Transmitter-TCS-12, Serial 6623, Contract NXsr-36727.

It arrived in pretty good condition, only 2 modulator tubes 1625 are missing
and the antenna terminals are modified to PL259.
Update December 14th 2017:
It took me a week only, to find a matching receiver, a 40 pounds COL-46159 RADIO RECEIVER TCS-12, serial 16345, contract NXsr – 47395. Fred PA0MER had a good looking and nice working receiver for sale.
I visited Fred for a “smoke-test” of the transmitter, as he had a working power supply with the right power connector. The transmitter had a problem, no master oscillator signal and we noticed that the 3 steel tubes 12A6 were not gtting warm. 12V filament was available as the 1625’s were glowing. It turned out that all 3 12A6 tubes had a broken filament and after replacing the 3 tubes the TCS transmitter was working. 25 watts AM and 40 Watts CW.
Next target will be to find parts to reverse some of the “modifications” and bring at least this set as close to original as possible. Fred had 2 nice housings, 2 1625’s, Original antenna connectors, a receiver connector with cable and after leaving a few Euro’s I went back home…..
Here’s a picture of the receiver:

More news coming up soon……